Meeting Guidelines
We are a mutual help-group, not a therapy group. We aim to provide a safe space to share our feelings and talk about our loss. We hope that at the end of this meeting, you will feel comforted and consoled, and have gained or borrowed some strength for your healing journey.
The Facilitators, who are volunteer bereaved parents (not therapists or counsellors), will support the conversation by giving everyone around the table a chance to speak. If necessary, they will interject to ensure the discussion is helpful for everyone.
Each of us is encouraged to participate to whatever extent we feel comfortable.
We will respect and keep confidential everything discussed here and will not repeat them anywhere;
We will take turns to speak and give supportive attention to the person who is speaking, and avoid side conversations;
We avoid interrupting. If we do break in, we return the conversation to the person who was speaking;
We are a multi-cultural, multi-religious grouping and we will respect each other's religion and philosophy, and we will not proselytize in any way;
We try to accept others just as they are, and we avoid making judgments;
We try not to compare “griefs” and will respect each other’s experiences and privacy;
We can choose to speak, and choose to remain silent;
We can choose to ask questions, and choose to decline to answer;
We are here to share our feelings and experiences; we try not to give advice;
We do not discuss group members who are not present;
We each share the responsibility for making the meeting work;
We begin and end our meetings on time.