Meeting as Companions
When a beloved child dies, some parents may find it difficult to speak to those around them about their feelings. They may have thousands of questions running through their mind but they have no one to share it with or someone who understands.
Some find comfort in writing and sharing their thoughts. Others simply cannot find the words to describe the intense emotions that follow a heartbreaking loss so they look for things to read that might console them.
At CBSS, we hope to provide a safe haven for parents to share their grief with those on a similar journey. We hope that our meetings and resources will give you some strength as you forge ahead on your path of healing. Here are some avenues which we hope you will find helpful.
Monthly Support Group Meetings - "Walk-in", no registration or no fees required
Our meetings offer a safe, welcoming and understanding forum where we can share our experiences and our feelings about the loss of our children -- no matter what our cultural or religious background is, what age our child was, or how or when he or she died, and no matter how recently or long ago. Meeting another bereaved parent somehow brings immense comfort and helps to ease our pain.
Here, we are free to talk and free to stay silent -- there is no obligation to share. A CBSS facilitator supports the meeting along a specified set of Meeting Guidelines. Topics discussed have included how we cope with birth dates and celebrations, helpful activities and wellness programmes, developing new routines and how to comfort our living children. Sometimes a poem omay be shared, and other times we may pass around photos of our children.
Our meetings are held every 2nd Thursday of the month from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and they alternate between face to face and zoom platforms. Please refer to "Support Group Meetings" for details.
The meetings are conducted in English. Where possible we encourage both mother and father to attend as a couple. Find out more about our Support Group Meetings here.
CBSS understands that in this day and age, many parents look towards social media to air their views and feelings and also to find support. Come join our Closed FB Group for solace and support as we navigate this journey together.
Write to Us - Tell us your Story
We share the stories of our children, our thoughts and reflections on this website. If you would like to contribute, please email us and we will explain the details to include. You can put together a memorial page dedicated to your child or simply pen a poem. We hope to hear from you.
The healing journey is a long one. We need companions to encourage us, pick us up and share the load we bear.